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Frozen Drink, Ice Cream Machines

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    Every guest loves a fun twist on an event, and a frozen drink or ice cream machine is just that. Contact your local ARA-affiliated rental store for options.

    Rent frozen drink machines or ice cream machines to keep guests cool on a warm day and provide a memorable treat at your event.

    Frozen drink machine rental

    The unexpected and memorable treat of a frozen drink is easy to achieve with a rented frozen drink machine.

    Renting the frozen drink machine delivers a level of quality that cannot be achieved by making frozen drinks in other ways. The syrup for the drinks is mixed with the water before it is frozen, so the flavor is consistently delicious, even as they get warmer. The machine also creates a consistent texture and look when the drink is poured. Many rental stores also sell all the supplies needed, including the frozen drink mixture, making it easy to get everything you need.

    Some machines showcase the frozen drink being made which can draw people in. Don’t forget to allow enough time for the machine to turn the mixture into the finished product, which can take a few hours.

    Refreshments that can be made with a frozen drink machine include slush, granita, carbonated frozen drinks, shakes, smoothies, and more. Some frozen drink machines offer temperature regulation so you can provide both frozen drinks and chilled drinks to your guests. If you’re looking to serve a frozen alcoholic drink, be sure to rent a machine designed specifically for this. Alcohol has a lower freezing point than water and the machine must be designed for this purpose. An alternative option is to add alcohol to the glass the frozen drink is poured into. Follow proper procedures when alcohol is served at an event.

    No matter what frozen drink machine you use, be sure to consider where the machine will be set up for operation. Account for a power source and the heated exhaust that comes from the refrigeration system, which requires sufficient space around the vent. Additionally, most frozen drink machines should be used indoors or in a cool, shaded location. Before you use the equipment, please read all manufacturer warnings and instructions. Your local, ARA-affiliated rental store professional can provide you with complete instructions.

    Ice cream machine rental

    It’s easy to deliver the delight of fresh ice cream at your event by renting an ice cream machine.

    Soft serve is an especially popular option and larger machines can easily handle a large crowd. Smaller units are equipped to deliver a single flavor, but some larger machines offer two flavors. Many rental stores also carry the ice cream mix and other supplies like topping pumps to make the process even easier.

    When considering where you will serve the ice cream, make sure you will have a power source and that there will be adequate space around the machine for ventilation of the heated exhaust. Before you use this equipment, please review the tips below and read all manufacturer warnings and instructions. Your local, ARA-affiliated rental store professional can provide you with complete instructions.

    Allow enough time for the machine to create the finished product before you’d like guests to indulge in the treat.

    Frequently asked questions

    How do frozen drink machines work?

    Frozen drink machines use an auger to rotate a combination of syrup and water. While the mixture turns, it is also cooled to create the frozen drink. The drink is then dispensed through a spigot.

    How long does it take for a frozen drink machine to freeze?

    The length of time it takes to freeze a frozen drink mixture is generally somewhere between 45 minutes and three hours. The time depends on the machine, the amount of drink mixture, the type of mixture and the environment.

    Can you rent an ice cream machine?

    You can rent an ice cream machine. can help you search for a local rental store.

    How does an ice cream machine work?

    An ice cream maker works by churning the mixture while cooling it to freezing. This process reduces the size of ice crystals and gives ice cream its creamy nature.

    Contact your local, ARA-affiliated, rental store for information on available rental products and services to meet your frozen drink and ice cream machine needs. To locate the rental store nearest you, use the Rental Store Quick Locator above.

    Event Food Service Rentals: Chafing Dishes, Cooking Equipment, Ice Cream/Frozen Drink
